Through the game Bigger & Better. It's a team building activity in which teams are given a small object, like a paperclip, and must keep trading and upgrading their objects to get the biggest, best objects possible until the time limit expires.
Today's challenge is to trade up $1 and make it count for more. How's that? Well, what can you really get for just $1? Not much of value these days. What if you join hundreds (maybe thousands) of other people at Give1Save1 and bless an adoptive family with $1 this week? May not sound like much, but when it's added all together, it could make the difference in a family's ability to have their adoption completely financed!
Here's the featured family over at Give1Save1: the Dinsmores. Last week's family over at Give1Save1 were blessed with $1605! Cool. Head on over...