Read the entire post here.
"If our theology envisions an absent or indifferent God, then we have no reason to be anything but absent or indifferent when it comes to children that don’t share our genetic material. But if we truly grasp that every soul bears the image of God, everything changes. If God pursued and adopted us at infinite cost to himself when we were orphans of sin, then we can do the same…with joy at getting to mirror the heart of our Father." Jedd Meddefind.
Read the entire post here.
![]() The life of Amy Carmichael has always been such a rebuke and encouragement to me in the same breath. Hers was a life lived solely for eternal purposes, with godly motives, compassion for people, love for the gospel and her God. I’ve recently read a biography on her life and was surprised to learn that she didn’t originally go to India when she started her missionary career. She knew God wanted her to be a missionary, but the Lord directed her steps one at a time to lead her ultimately to India, where she would rescue hundreds of little girls from temple prostitution and share with them the gospel. Never married, Amy still became the “Amma” to hundreds of children, who otherwise would have lived their lives as orphans. Originally, Amy thought God wanted her in China with Hudson Taylor’s China Inland Mission. But the door closed because of her frail health. She then spent 18 months in Japan. But once again, God clearly closed the door to ministry there. Finally, God directed her to India, where she spent the rest of her life.
I am reminded by Amy Carmichael’s testimony that God is “able to do exceeding abundantly” more than I can imagine! God’s greatness and sovereignty (Isaiah 40) are not confined to my most creative solutions. In other words, I have to guard myself from putting God in a box. Things do not have to come to pass just as I had imagined or planned for them. God’s thoughts are greater than mine. And so it is, like in Amy Carmichael’s life, and every other follower of Christ through the ages, God is directing our steps. John was able to share with our church family last night that we are looking for open doors to pursue a senior pastorate position. This of course means that we may not stay in New Brunswick, or even Canada, for that matter. And so, as far as our adoption process is concerned, we cannot move forward until we are settled in our next area of ministry. The next step is a homestudy and deciding on an agency and country. So, while I wish in my heart that we could move forward right now, I know God is using even this to direct our steps to the exact little one He has chosen for our family. I am excited to look back even at this transition in ministry and see how He used it for His glory and purposes! So, this is why there has not been any “adoption news” for quite a few months. But God has written adoption on our hearts, and we will joyfully renew the process when we can. If there be any reserve in my giving to
Him who so loved that He gave His Dearest for me; if there be a secret "but" in my prayer, "Anything but that, Lord," then I know nothing of Calvary love. ~Amy Carmichael But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe: Here, Lord, I give myself away, 'Tis all that I can do! ~Isaac Watts |