Five years ago, when God burdened our hearts for a little girl who had yet to be born, another little girl's story inspired us to start our journey.
Enjoy this "gotcha day" video from
Our very important papers left Ethiopia on Wednesday and should be on our doorstep in a few hours! Now we can move on to the next steps to get our little miss home. Yay for progress! Five years ago, when God burdened our hearts for a little girl who had yet to be born, another little girl's story inspired us to start our journey. Enjoy this "gotcha day" video from
Did you hear the scream from Knoebels Amusement Park about 11 days ago?! Well, that was me! On the craziest of craziest of days, with spotty internet access and tired, dirty, happy kids, we got a voicemail from our agency saying to check our email -- we have a referral! Just two days after this post about waiting, our referral came! So many details in this story are already amazing, and God's timing is no less amazing. God's fingerprints are all over her story!
Next step? More paperwork :) And in the next six months or so, we will have 2 trips to Ethiopia, bringing her home on trip #2. Have a heart for adoption? My etsy shop has been a huge blessing with all the expenses that come with this journey. Now we are saving for those two international trips. Every purchase from my shop helps our family in this journey. Thanks in advance! The FedEx guy should be delivering the rest of our dossier to our social worker today. Next stop -- D.C. for authentications, then on to Ethiopia! With this next step comes our next big payment! In celebration of this progress, please use the coupon code DOSSIER to receive 10% off your purchase in my etsy shop. Tell your friends.... Mother's Day is just around the corner :) And this brings us one step closer to bringing our daughter home!
When I received Frontline International's Dispatches newsletter this week, I was so happy to read that a container of 60,000 Oromo Bibles reached Ethiopia in September! There was story after story about Christians celebrating that they finally had a Bible in their heart language -- something that we Westerners take for granted.
Frontline is planning to send a second ship container of Oromo Bibles as their Christmas Project this year. There is still time for your family to make a donation toward this project. The cost of printing and shipping each Bible is $5. What a wonderful way to be a part of an Oromo Reformation, and give a lasting gift this season! I encourage you to head over to the Oromo Bible Project page and consider how you can have a part in this life-giving project. You could be the answer to a Christian's prayer... to finally have the Bible in their heart language! Today I want to share with you an exciting opportunity to be a part of spreading the Gospel in Ethiopia! Considering we are in the process of adopting a little girl from that country, our family is making this our special Christmas project this year. Maybe you would like to be a part of this gift that gives too. Maybe you would consider donating money to the Oromo Bible Project this year. what is the oromo bible project?Oromo is one of the five most widely spoken languages in Africa. And the Oromo are the largest people group of Ethiopia. Unfortunately, the staggering truth is that only 1-2% of Oromo believers have the Bible in their language. There is a great need! The cost to print and distribute one Oromo Bible in Ethiopia is $5 USD. Frontline Missions International is joining with other partners to see that the Oromo people of Ethiopia have the Living Word of God in their hands! Will you help? Check out more information, plus a video on the Oromo Bible Project website or on the Frontline website. Will you be a part of spreading the light of the Gospel in Ethiopia? "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light..." Isaiah 9:2Yes, we have written our first big check for this adoption process. We contracted with an agency in Texas that has an Ethiopia program. Soon we will write another check for our home study, which will be done by a local agency. And so it begins.
We are thankful that God has placed adoption on our hearts. And we are thankful for the ways He is paying for it. Our parents' yard sale last month. Several random gifts from friends. Change from sippy cups. Sales from our JustLove Coffee Roasters storefront. And to let you know where we are in the process, check out the fundraising thermometer on the sidebar. As of today, we have $947.48 toward our agency fee of $4950. Can't wait to see what God will do! Thank you to all those who have given, prayed, and encouraged! You are a part of His story in the life of this little one. ![]() I'm glad to know we're not the only prospective adoptive family who has changed their minds and course of the journey. At times it can feel overwhelming not to have a settled sense of where we're headed. Over the past several months, God has changed our direction. And so, we are going to take a leap of faith and start the process of adopting from Ethiopia! God shut several doors since May, and now it's pretty clear that this is the only one open to us right now. So, we're ready to step through. Will you pray that God would be glorified? about ethiopiaEthiopia is a beautiful country situated in Eastern Africa near the Red Sea with a population of 53 million. It is one of the oldest countries in the world and was the home of the Queen of Sheba. Seventeen years of civil war bankrupted the country and left thousands of orphaned children. The numbers continue to increase as the diseases of poverty cause premature deaths of parents.
Thousands of children are living in institutions because their parents can no longer care for them. Many children are orphaned due to poverty, the residual effects of war, drought or famine, or their parents may have died of disease, including but not limited to AIDS related illnesses. The children are well cared for in orphanages or hospitals, but are in great need of a loving family environment. |