Remember Give1Save1 that we have been telling you about? If you wonder if $1 a week can make a difference, you will want to check out this post with family updates. It's great!
We haven't had much to say about the process as of late... because we're drowning in paperwork! We essentially have 2 sets to complete. ![]() The first set goes to our local agency so we can begin our home study. The second set will need to be notarized and certified in Harrisburg before it can be sent to Ethiopia. This is called the dossier (dos-ee-ey). Oh yeah. Learning new words and new things everyday with this process.
Remember Give1Save1 that we have been telling you about? If you wonder if $1 a week can make a difference, you will want to check out this post with family updates. It's great!
![]() How is it possible to turn a paper clip into a guitar, laundry machine, bicycle, or other huge object like a yacht?
Through the game Bigger & Better. It's a team building activity in which teams are given a small object, like a paperclip, and must keep trading and upgrading their objects to get the biggest, best objects possible until the time limit expires. Today's challenge is to trade up $1 and make it count for more. How's that? Well, what can you really get for just $1? Not much of value these days. What if you join hundreds (maybe thousands) of other people at Give1Save1 and bless an adoptive family with $1 this week? May not sound like much, but when it's added all together, it could make the difference in a family's ability to have their adoption completely financed! Here's the featured family over at Give1Save1: the Dinsmores. Last week's family over at Give1Save1 were blessed with $1605! Cool. Head on over... Yes, we have written our first big check for this adoption process. We contracted with an agency in Texas that has an Ethiopia program. Soon we will write another check for our home study, which will be done by a local agency. And so it begins.
We are thankful that God has placed adoption on our hearts. And we are thankful for the ways He is paying for it. Our parents' yard sale last month. Several random gifts from friends. Change from sippy cups. Sales from our JustLove Coffee Roasters storefront. And to let you know where we are in the process, check out the fundraising thermometer on the sidebar. As of today, we have $947.48 toward our agency fee of $4950. Can't wait to see what God will do! Thank you to all those who have given, prayed, and encouraged! You are a part of His story in the life of this little one. ![]() Many people don't have large sums of money to donate to adoptive families, but almost everyone can spare $1. That's the premise behind the website Give1Save1. We want to use our blog to spread the word about families you can help. This week's featured family, the Phillips, are adopting 2 babies! One domestically and one from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Check out their video, read their blog, and donate toward their 2 adoptions. Hope you will be a blessing in their lives this week through just $1. (You will need a paypal account to donate, but hey, if you don't have one, it's about time, right?) 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25
Okay, we are so excited to share this website with you. It is called Give1Save1, and it is a place for people who want to use their money to bless others in the adoption process. Every Monday, they feature a new family who is adopting. It is a chance to be generous with as little as $1! But that money will add up when hundreds or thousands of people get excited about helping these families. We have begun following this site and donating, because it is just so exciting to see what your little $1 a week will do. And no, we don't know any of these families personally. But isn't that so cool that families are being blessed by total strangers?
$1 is so small. Yet, it can be used for such good. Go ahead, skip coffee out tomorrow and make it at home. There's your $1. Or use a coupon at the grocery store. There's your $1. So easy. By giving $1 each week to their featured family, you are helping to change lives. And you may never know the full impact of your giving. |