I bought this one used since it's not in print anymore.
Do you have some kids on your gift list that just don't need another toy? Or maybe there will be some littles at your Thanksgiving get-together that need something to keep them busy while the grown-ups tend to the turkey. Whatever the case, I have a super simple DIY button craft kit to show you! It provides hours of creative fun. How do I know? It's been kid-tested at my house four times over. First, start with this great little board book called Blue's Buttons. (affiliate link) I bought this one used since it's not in print anymore. Then dump out that button jar, or buy a stash on amazon (affiliate link again!). Grab some paper and white school glue, and you're all set! It really is that simple. The book is fun to read and provides the inspiration. But once kids get the hang of it, the sky's the limit to the creative button masterpieces they will make. And if you'd rather not hunt down the supplies yourself, check out my etsy shop for this craft kit! Disclaimer: Please use care in letting children play or craft with buttons.
We're still here waiting for our next steps in this adoption journey! It's a huge lesson in patience and waiting for God's perfect timing. Here's what an adoption from Ethiopia looks like (taken from U.S. Department of State website on InterCountry Adoptions): 1. Choose an adoption service provider We are currently in the middle of step #4! USCIS has received our form and they are conducting the PAIR process. We are now waiting for the PAIR process to be complete and receive our court date! Then we can make arrangements for our first trip to Ethiopia to meet our little one and adopt her there! After that, we will need to come home without her and wait for everything to be finalized for our final trip to bring her home. It's a long process, but totally worth it. Being known, loved, and wanted is so very special, isn't it? So many parallels to God's adoption of me.