"We love because he first loved us." I John 4:19
We are so thankful on this Valentines Day for the One who loved us even when we were spiritual orphans. God's love gave His only Son to pay the penalty our sins deserved. Trusting in Christ's work alone for salvation, we have been adopted into God's family --enjoying the benefits now, but also looking forward with hope to all that this spiritual adoption promises! (Romans 8:12-19)
Looking forward to sharing the love of God with a special little girl that God will bring into our family in His timing. Looking forward to making room for one more.
We are so thankful on this Valentines Day for the One who loved us even when we were spiritual orphans. God's love gave His only Son to pay the penalty our sins deserved. Trusting in Christ's work alone for salvation, we have been adopted into God's family --enjoying the benefits now, but also looking forward with hope to all that this spiritual adoption promises! (Romans 8:12-19)
Looking forward to sharing the love of God with a special little girl that God will bring into our family in His timing. Looking forward to making room for one more.