How exciting to add my few dollars to many more donations and see the Owen Family get closer to bringing 2 little girls home from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Seeing this family's video over at Give1Save1 was inspiring -- dad is deployed right now, and mom of 3 boys is bringing 2 girls home on her own! Wow! Head on over to Give1Save1 and add your dollar... every drop adds up.

Another family (we knew the mom in college) is adopting 2 children from China! Check out their story on their blog. They just opened an online store that will directly benefit their adoption, and if it takes off, they hope to be able to bless other adopting families in the future. Check it out as you start your early Christmas shopping. You know Christmas is only 97 days away, don't you?!
End of the day update: The Owen Family at Give1Save1 has been blessed with $1,927 already!!