Meet the family of the week over at Give1Save1. They are adopting from Uganda. They have a beautiful video over there explaining their journey of adoption and how their relationship with Christ has grown because of it.
"The Lord has radically changed our hearts and opened them to this beautiful truth: that He adopted us. We were once orphaned and alone, without a Father, and without a voice... and He rescued and redeemed us, and calls us His dearly loved children!" The Gilliams
"Our biggest purpose in life is to bring more glory to Christ, and if our story does that, I don't know what else we could ask for." The Gilliams
"The Lord has radically changed our hearts and opened them to this beautiful truth: that He adopted us. We were once orphaned and alone, without a Father, and without a voice... and He rescued and redeemed us, and calls us His dearly loved children!" The Gilliams
"Our biggest purpose in life is to bring more glory to Christ, and if our story does that, I don't know what else we could ask for." The Gilliams
what is give1save1?
Directly from the Give1Save1 Blog:
Every Monday I’m going to ask you for a dollar. I’m going to tell you who it’s going to and what it’s being used for. We’re mostly funding adoption for the people, by the people. We’re just going to rain down a crazy blessing on a family, organization, orphanage, or project and we’re going to do it every week.
And your dollar will be saving and restoring lives in all kinds of ways. Removing a child from an orphanage gives that child a family and a future, something everyone needs. It also frees up a bed in an orphanage for another orphan. Your dollar will change lives and save lives in ways you may never know.
Every Monday I’m going to ask you for a dollar. I’m going to tell you who it’s going to and what it’s being used for. We’re mostly funding adoption for the people, by the people. We’re just going to rain down a crazy blessing on a family, organization, orphanage, or project and we’re going to do it every week.
And your dollar will be saving and restoring lives in all kinds of ways. Removing a child from an orphanage gives that child a family and a future, something everyone needs. It also frees up a bed in an orphanage for another orphan. Your dollar will change lives and save lives in ways you may never know.